
一个成功的荣誉项目使用皇冠体育的知识和跨学科的工具来产生一个基于系统阅读的示范项目, 研究, questioning, and reflection.
Destiny Kearney '21 standing on the quad

Destiny Kearney

类: 2021

荣誉 Project Title: 1794年至今的皇冠体育艺术:通过视觉环境和课程变化进行考察

Supervisors: Judith Casselberry and Dana Byrd

I will be presenting on the history of art at Bowdoin from 1794 to the present, which serves as the scaffolding for my honors project. 在我的研究项目的背景下,皇冠体育的艺术是由事物的高潮来定义的:校园里的物体和建筑,因为它们对环境做出了贡献, course content in art history regarding subject area and in visual arts regarding techniques, art collections owned by Bowdoin, art related student events, and photographs that advertise Bowdoin’s campus. 理解艺术是如何在皇冠体育历史上被教导和体验的,对我的论点至关重要. I argue that at Bowdoin College, 未能在艺术工作室课程中提供文化相关教学(CRT)驳斥了黑人在视觉艺术系的代表性.

More 皇冠体育 Destiny's 荣誉 Project


The honors project requirement is adapted from the Bowdoin College honors project policy. 具有部门或项目荣誉的学位授予在该学科中表现优异的学生.

The project can emerge from questions raised in a course, in an independent study project, or through a non-academic experience. The project will culminate in a substantial paper or creative presentation. The writing of an honors thesis does not automatically lead to the granting of honors. 当最后的项目展示了原创性研究和/或理论创造力的显著程度时,荣誉水平将由皇冠体育计划委员会授予.


申请皇冠体育荣誉项目的许可是为在该计划中有杰出学术记录的学生保留的. 希望参加荣誉项目的学生应咨询皇冠体育项目主任和可能成为该项目的主要顾问的教员. This should be done 之前 to the semester in which the project begins in order to ensure faculty availability. 考虑获得荣誉的学生应该在大四前的夏天做初步研究.

Proposal Submission and Review

By the end of the second week of classes in the initial semester of the proposed project, 荣誉候选人应向项目主任和指导教师提交2-3页的拟议项目书面描述. The Director, potential faculty advisors, 和皇冠体育项目委员会的成员将审查项目提案,并决定哪些学生将被鼓励从事荣誉项目. The number of honors projects in Africana Studies in any given year is limited, and project proposals will be judged competitively. It is expected that honors projects in Africana Studies will number between 80 and 120 pages. 那些项目被认定不符合荣誉资格的学生可以鼓励他们在该学期继续他们的项目作为中级或高级独立研究.

Committee Composition

The project will be supervised by a committee of two faculty members, one of whom is a principal advisor and the other a second reader, 其中至少一人应是皇冠体育计划委员会的成员或附属教员. 第二名读者由首席顾问与学生和皇冠体育项目主任协商后选择. During the two semesters that a student is working on an honors project, 主任可以与学生和指导荣誉项目的教师进行磋商. 指导荣誉项目的教师应该被主任告知截止日期,并且必须与主任沟通项目的进展情况. 在这方面,主任在项目中的作用将与系主席的作用相同.

Project Phases

荣誉项目咨询委员会将在每个阶段结束时确定项目的可行性. 如果工作令人满意,未能在截止日期前完成将导致项目降级为独立研究, or disqualification.

荣誉 Designation

学生导师和荣誉委员会的最终推荐决定是否授予课程荣誉. The Africana Studies Program does not distinguish levels of departmental honors. The grade for the independent study is determined by the student’s principal advisor, in consultation with the second reader.



  • Possess a cumulative index of at least 3.0 (B) and a GPA in Africana Studies courses of at least 3.3 (B+) upon the start of their senior year
  • 在这个过程中的任何时候,主要顾问和项目主管都可以同意将荣誉项目降级为不需要答辩的独立研究, and is subject only to review and approval of the primary advisor

Submission to Hawthorne-Longfellow Library

论文应按照大学的官方指示打印,并交付给霍桑-朗费罗图书馆. 参观 Library website for complete information of all of the requirements.