
To report an alleged hazing incident, please utilize this form.

欺侮与参加皇冠体育官网和学生组织的丰富经历是对立的, 以及学院的使命. Hazing violates College policy and may also be a violation of state law.

皇冠体育重视传统, 仪式, 以及建立和加强社区纽带以及学院过去和未来的成人仪式. 学生团体的入会或传统旨在建立成员之间的联系,必须以一种肯定的方式进行,不能有任何形式的强迫或恐吓. Bowdoin encourages students to value lasting relationships grounded in mutual respect, not artificial connections created through shared humiliation.

学生, 教师, 工作人员, 家庭应该熟悉本节中的信息,以便他们能够识别可能发生的欺侮事件,并了解这种行为的后果.

Hazing of any kind at Bowdoin is strictly prohibited. 像这样, 没有学生, 学生团体, 体育团队, other College-recognized group or association shall conduct, 宽恕, 援助, or participate as a witness in hazing activities, 自愿与否.


Maine law defines “injurious hazing” as “any action or situation, 包括骚扰行为, 不计后果地或故意地危害任何学校工作人员或在本州机构注册的学生的精神或身体健康,或任何作为加入或保持羞辱团体成员资格的条件要求学生进行的活动, 降解, 虐待或危害学生, regardless of the student’s willingness to participate in the activity”[1]In addition to disciplinary action imposed by the College, 欺侮学生可能会受到法律当局的刑事起诉.


Bowdoin defines hazing more broadly than Maine state law to include 任何活动 part of an initiation or admission into a group or is required for continued acceptance in a group and that encompasses one or more of the following:

  1. 生理上或心理上的尴尬, 贬低, 降解, 滥用, or endangers someone regardless of that person’s willingness to participate;
  2. 根据资历或地位对团队成员进行分类,或以其他方式强调新成员的相对权力不平衡;
  3. involves the consumption of alcohol, drugs, or other substances;
  4. 移走、损坏或毁坏财产;
  5. results in the disruption of College or community activities, 教育过程, or the impairment of academic performance; and/or
  6. violates a College policy and/or a state law.

这一定义适用于校园内外的行为,无论参与者或其他人是否认为这种行为是“自愿的”.” 受到欺侮行为的任何人的暗示或明示的同意并不能减轻任何人的负担, 团队, or group from responsibility for their actions 皇冠体育该行为或活动不是官方组织或团队活动的一部分或未经团体或团队正式批准或批准的说法也不成立.


虽然这项政策不能解决或预测所有可能构成欺侮的活动或情况, 例子可能包括, 但不限于, 入会:作为一个团体的开始或接纳的一部分或为继续被一个团体接受所必需的下列活动之一:

  • physical or verbal abuse of any kind or implied threats of physical or verbal abuse;
  • 烙印或其他身体标记;
  • encouraging or requiring a person to consume alcohol, drugs, unusual substances or concoctions;
  • encouraging or forcing a student to violate Maine law or College policy such as indecent exposure, 盗窃, 或侵入;
  • confining a person or taking a person to an outlying area and dropping them off;
  • servitude such as encouraging or requiring a person to run personal errands, cook, clean, 等.;
  • requiring a shaved head or other haircut;
  • stunt or skit nights with degrading, crude, or humiliating games or acts;
  • “mind games” or creating real or perceived psychological uneasiness 或伤害;
  • encouraging or requiring public stunts or buffoonery;
  • 尴尬的:鼓励或要求穿戴或携带可能使穿戴者尴尬的服装或物品的, 嘲笑, 或伤害;
  • 鼓励或要求新成员参加不适当的寻宝游戏或公路旅行;
  • 睡眠不足的:剥夺人睡眠的;
  • expecting certain items to always be in one’s possession; and
  • requiring new members/rookies to perform duties not assigned to other members. 注意:如果其他团队成员有类似的职责,或者所有的职责都在团队成员之间轮换,那么像搬运水去练习这样的职责可能是第一年的职责.   

注意:欺侮不包括附属于官方认可和监督的大学活动(如体育训练和赛事)的行为或情况, e.g.练习时多跑几圈.        



All members of the Bowdoin community must understand what does and does not constitute hazing. Student leaders bear particular responsibility for conducting their 团队, 俱乐部, 或者以这样一种方式欢迎新成员,而不是诉诸于欺侮来建立团队的同志情谊.  


  • Is a person or group being targeted in an inappropriate way because of status or class year?
  • Would you be willing to describe the activity to your own parents, 爷爷奶奶, 同学的父母, 一位教授, 一个院长, 学院院长, 警察, 或者是法官?
  • How would you feel if the activity was photographed and appeared in 东方 或者在脸谱网、YouTube或当地电视上?
  • Is there a risk of real or even perceived physical or psychological discomfort or harm, i.e.是贬低、辱骂还是危险?
  • Even if you would not be embarrassed by this activity, can you imagine that someone else might be?
  • 安全会受到威胁吗?
  • Is there a level of coercion and peer pressure involved?
  • Will current members be participating in the activities that new members will be asked to do?
  • Do the activities interfere with students’ other activities or obligations (academic, 课外, 家庭, 宗教, 等.)?
  • 是否涉及酒精和/或毒品?
  • Is there a sexual element to the activity?
  • Do any activities violate College policy or federal, state, or local law?


When in doubt about whether an activity constitutes hazing, always err on the side of caution and ask 一个院长, 教练, or other College employee who works with 学生团体 or 团队s. Engaging in open conversations about hypothetical situations can be especially helpful.  Knowledgeable 工作人员 can provide additional examples of behaviors that might constitute hazing, examples of positive group-building activities and rites of passage for new members, assistance with organizing legitimate events to foster 团队work and cohesiveness, and other relevant information and support.  选择不咨询知识渊博的员工的学生要为自己的行为负责,并为任何后果负责.


皇冠体育, where community members look out and care for one another, 学生和员工应亲自干预或致电安全(207-725-3500)或不伦瑞克警方(911),如果他们遇到的活动,使他人在身体或心理伤害或不适.

通过加强和采取行动, 旁观者通常能够在亲密活动升级为欺侮活动之前结束不适当的行为. Bowdoin students and employees should notify appropriate College officials (Security, 院长, 教练, (或负责学生团体的其他学院官员)根据学院政策和/或法律的定义,发现任何被认为是欺侮的情况,并尽快采取行动,以便停止活动或对指控进行调查.


Violation of the hazing policy will be referred to disciplinary action by the College, including the Student Disciplinary Process and the 学生团体纪律处分程序. 处罚可能包括, 但不限于, suspension or dismissal for individuals; revocation of organizational recognition and funding; forfeiture of participation in some or all of an athletic season, 参加比赛, 会议, or other gatherings; and permanent disbandment of a 学生团体 or 团队.

Education, Prevention and Positive Group Bonding

皇冠体育体育, 住宅生活, 和学生活动开展持续的教育活动,以促进积极的群体认同和防止欺侮.

有一些新成员活动是积极的和/或教育有效的,有助于建立团队, develop unity by connecting students to one another, 创造归属感, 增强自尊.  例子包括: 

  • 一个小组或团队的所有成员参与的寻宝游戏或才艺表演,所有参与者都被平等对待,活动不会令人尴尬, 有辱人格的或危险的;
  • 一个主题化妆派对,是包容的,不尴尬或贬低,不滥用文化;
  • 彩弹射击;
  • 电子游戏锦标赛;
  • 一起吃饭;
  • 研究会话;
  • 社区服务项目;
  • 参加其他队的体育赛事;
  • 电影之夜;
  • 游戏或琐事之夜;
  • 保龄球;
  • cooking classes or classes at the Craft Center;
  • outdoor games—spike ball, capture the flag, Frisbee, 等.;
  • 绳索课程训练;
  • 漂流或户外旅行;
  • trips to Freeport, Portland, Fun Town Splash Town, 等.;
  • 围绕小组历史的锦标赛;
  • 制作和掩埋时间胶囊;
  • mentoring relationships between old and new members;
  • creating an organizational intramural sports 团队; or small or large group roundtable discussions on topics important to the 团队 or group.